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African Diaspora Studies Resources

Online Style Guides and Resources

Zotero is a free, open source, web-based tool to for managing citations and pdfs and for creating bibliographies.

Add References

Option 1: Enter manually

  • From the Zotero window at the bottom of your screen, click on the plus button; 'new item'
  • Select material type.
  • Enter information in the pane on the right hand side of the Zotero window

Option 2: Direct Export from your favorite database (in general)

  • Make sure the Zotero application is open
  • Conduct a search and click on the Zotero icon in your browser (it will be a book icon, a folder icon, or a paper icon)
  • Item will be saved immediately in your Zotero library. Drag the reference to the appropriate Zotero folder
  • You can also export a citation using the RIS file option if available

Write a Paper

  • The Zotero Word Plug-In should have downloaded automatically; see here to install manually.
  • Open Word. The tool bar will be under 'add-ins' on a PC or 'view' 'toolbars' on a MAC
  • Place your cursor in your document where you would like the citation to be.
  • Choose the citation style then click 'ok'. A large Zotero search box will appear.
  • Search for your citation and hit the return button.
  • To insert the bibliography into the paper, click on the third icon on the tool bar: 'insert bibliography'

Create a Bibliography

So easy!

  • Highlight one or more references in your Zotero library
  • Right click or control-click on Macs) to select 'Create Bibliography from Selected Item(s).'
  • Select a citation style for your bibliography format and choose an output format.

EndNote Basic is a citation management software produced by Clarivate Analytics, the owners of the database Web of Science.  There is also a paid version.

Add references

Option 1: Enter manually

  • From the Collect drop-down, click on "New Reference".
  • From the reference type drop-down, select the type of reference.
  • Enter the citation information.
  • Select "Save"

Option 2: Direct Export from your favorite database

  • Conduct a search and select references to export to Endnote Online.
  • Locate and select either "Export", "Send to", "Download", or "EndNote Online". 
    • Follow the prompted instructions.

Option 3: Import references

  • Conduct search, select the references you want to save; use "Save" to save your references using the RIS type.
    • Remember where you saved it!
  • Go to EndNote Online.
  • From the "Collect" drop-down, select 'Import references".
    • Browse to your saved file.
    • Select the "Import Option" drop-down.
    • Select your source (i.e.: which database you got the references from).
    • Select the "To" drop-down to select the folder where you want the references.
  • Select "Import".

Write a paper

  • Download Cite While You Write Plug-In.
    • From the "Format" drop-down, click on "Cite While You Write Plug-In".
    • Follow the prompted instructions.
  • With your document open, place cursor where the citation should appear.
    • In the EndNote Web Toolbar, select "Find Citation".
    • Enter a term in the Search field to find the reference(s) to insert.
    • Select the "Search" button.
    • Select reference (to select multiple references: Windows > use the "control" key; Mac > use the "command" key)
  • Select "Insert".

Create a bibliography

  • From the "Format" drop-down, select "Bibliography"
    • References: select references to put in the bibliography.
    • Bibliographic Style: select the appropriate style.
    • File format: select appropriate file format.
  • Select  either "Save", "Email", or "Preview & Print"

Mendeley is a web-based tool for managing citations and pdfs and for creating bibliographies. It is owned by Elsevier.  There is also a paid version.