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Citations for journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, and technical reports related to agriculture (1970-present).
Citations for articles and reports covering the fields of anthropology, archaeology, and related research.
Medical information and articles including nursing, health care systems, pre-clinical sciences, dentistry, and veterinary medicine.
Journal article citations in science and technology, arts and humanities, and social sciences. WOS also includes citation analysis tools.
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides instant links to full text content for articles as you do research on the web. Once you install the extension, you simply need to look for the green teardrop next to a citation. Nomad also provides in-line service for articles on sites such as PubMed and Wikipedia.
How do you install LibKey Nomad?
1. Visit www.LibKeyNomad.com
2. Choose the appropriate browser. Browser options include Chrome and Firefox. Click to add the extension of the browser.
3. Search for and select Kenyon in the drop-down menu.