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Use CONSORT, the shared catalog of Kenyon, Denison, Ohio Wesleyan, and Wooster, to find relevant books.
Author searches will locate books, poems, plays, etc. by a particular author: shakespeare, william
Title searches will locate a specific work: Flutie
Keyword searches:
When searching for literary criticism, consider using subject headings for more precise results. If a keyword search leads to a book that seems promising, click on the subject heading links at the bottom of the record to see similar items. You can also select "subject heading" in the "search by" box and try the following:
You can also search the OhioLINK catalog, which contains the holdings of almost every college and university library in Ohio.
The CONSORT and OhioLINK catalogs do not contain information about individual articles published in journals. However, if you have a citation to a journal article--the author's name, the title of the article, the title of the journal, and the date or volume/issue number-- use our Journal Search to see if we have a subsciption.
To search for articles on your topic, you should use an index or database. In many cases, you can get the full-text of the article by following a link from the database. If you're searching in an index without links to full-text articles, you'll need to search by journal title in CONSORT as described above.
The search process will vary for each resource, but here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Use CONSORT to find books, journal titles, videos, and other items in the library. You cannot use CONSORT to find journal articles.
Locate books, journals and magazines, music scores, archival materials, and media in libraries worldwide
Historical dictionary of the English language. It is a guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of words, past and present, from across the English-speaking world.
Current MLA style guide that provides guidelines on paper formatting, prose mechanics, quoting and paraphrasing, in-text references, and list of works cited.
Oxford DNB is the national record of men and women who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century.
Biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of the world's most influential literary figures from all eras and genres.