Galileo Open Learning MaterialsOpen textbooks, syllabi, and supporting materials created under Affordable Learning Georgia OER grants. Materials are licensed under various Creative Commons licenses.
Mason OER MetafinderResource from George Mason University that simultaneously searches across 22 different sources of open educational materials.
MERLOTMERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community. The MERLOT Collection is made up of over 40,000 materials in 19 different material type categories.
OASISOASIS (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. Content includes open textbooks, videos, podcasts, modules, and more.
OER CommonsOER Commons helps educators, students, and lifelong learners avoid time-consuming searches and find exactly the right materials. With a single point of access from which they can search, browse, and evaluate resources in OER Commons’ growing collection of over 50,000 high-quality OER everyone can more efficiently find what they need.
OpenStax CollegeOpen source textbooks that are written by professional content developers who are experts in their fields and undergo a rigorous peer review process. All textbooks meet standard scope and sequence requirements.
Open Textbook LibraryThe Open Textbook Library provides a growing catalog of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks. The Open Textbook Library is supported by the Center for Open Education and the Open Textbook Network.
*Kenyon through OhioLINK is a consortial member of the Open Textbook Network.
Carnegie Mellon Open Learning InitiativesCarnegie Mellon offers courseware online, in addition to complete courses as well. Its mission is to improve higher education by offering such resources online.
ccMixterThis is a community music remixing site featuring remixes and samples licensed under Creative Commons licenses.
MIT Open CoursewareMassachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the forerunners in open courseware, making "virtually all MIT course content" available online for public access.
Open Course LibraryThe Open Course Library (OCL) is a collection of shareable course materials, including syllabi, course activities, readings, and assessments designed by teams of college faculty, instructional designers, librarians, and other experts.
Open Education ConsortiumThe Open Education Consortium in collaboration with MERLOT offers a search engine on OER (Open Educational Resources). OER are openly licensed online educational materials that allow teachers and students to freely use, share, and modify. Licenses vary. Verify individual items.
OpenLearnWelcome to OpenLearn - the home of free learning from The Open University.
PHET Interactive Simulationsproject at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. They engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.
Saylor AcademySaylor Academy is a nonprofit organization that offers nearly 100 full-length, free and open courses at the college and professional levels.
OhioLINK A-Z ListPart of OhioLINK's Affordable Learning Ohio, this curated list of resources includes Open Access titles as well as titles purchased as part of OhioLINK ebook packages. The latter are free for use by patrons at OhioLINK institutions but most likely will exclude remix options. For use options, click the link beneath the description of each text.
Directory of Open Access BooksDOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.