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Data & Statistics Resources

The purpose of this guide is to present resources for both the discovery and utilization of research data and statistics.

GIS Software and Tools

ArcGIS pro logo, a white icon representing the globe within a blue hexagonArcGIS is one of the most widely-used software suites in the sphere of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and GeoData. Kenyon maintains licenses to certain ArcGIS tools via its Virtual Computers. Note that Kenyon has ArcGIS 10.8 and its publisher has since shifted focus to ArcGIS Pro, which Kenyon does not currently subscribe to.

Availability: All students, faculty, and staff via Kenyon's Virtual Computer lab:

QGIS logo, a green letter QQGIS is the leading desktop alternative to ArcGIS and is a powerful spatial visualization tool in its own right. It is actively being developed by a small collection of volunteers, supported by a robust community of QGIS users and a collection of volunteers.

Availability: QGIS is free and open source, and is available to download via the link below:

ArcGIS Online logo, white icons representing a cloud and overlapping layers in front of a purple hexagonArcGIS Online is a cloud-based tool developed in tandem with ArcGIS. It supports sharing of datasets, both by ArcGIS publisher ERSI and by ArcGIS Online users. It also supports collaborative editing and content sharing.

Availability: Subscription-based; pricing and availability can be found via the link below: