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Library Instruction Team

About the Information Literacy Learning Outcomes and Dispositions

These outcomes were produced by a group of librarians that examined, the Kenyon 2020 Strategic Plan, a variety of Kenyon discipline-specific learning outcomes, the Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy, the Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy from the Society of American Archivists, in addition to the learning outcomes at a variety of college libraries in the U.S. All Kenyon College librarians participated in the final process. As of Fall 2019 we plan to include them in our instructional session statistics and evaluate their use going forward. Learning Outcomes are intended to be assessable goals from which the focus of our library instruction can be centered.

Kenyon Instructors that would like to incorporate Library Learning Outcomes in their classes should contact their Subject Liaison and/or take a look at our Library Instruction Menu.

Learning Outcomes

Information Literacy Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes are different than dispositions in that they are more demonstrable skills that can be evidenced through learning experiences. (Numbering is not indicative of significance.)

1. Use various research methods, based on need, circumstance, and type of inquiry

2. Seek multiple perspectives during information gathering and assessment in order to recognize that a given scholarly work may not represent the only--or even the majority-- perspective on the issue

3. Define different types of authority, such as subject expertise (e.g. scholarship,) societal position (e.g. public office or title), or special experience (e.g. participating in a historic event)

4. Monitor gathered information and assess for gaps or weaknesses

5. Recognize they are often entering into an ongoing scholarly conversation and not a finished conversation; and recognize the contribution of important voices in that conversation

6. Distinguish primary from secondary sources for a given research question; demonstrate an understanding of the interrelatedness of primary and secondary sources for research

7. Respect the original ideas of others by giving credit to the ideas of others through proper attribution

8. Describe and/or participate responsibly in the information creation process.



Why does the library need learning outcomes?

As the demand for library instruction and the need for information literacy increases, Kenyon College Librarians have determined that learning goals will help our instruction develop with intention and focus for the skills students need now, as wells as a greater understanding  and use of our evolving information landscape that will last for our students far after graduation. Learning outcomes are intended to focus our instruction on the deeper concepts, issues, and uses of information in all its forms. They are designed and instructed with the intent to apply from classroom to classroom and far beyond Kenyon so that students interact responsibly, efficiently, and effectively with the information that surrounds them.


Information Literacy Dispositions
Dispositions are attitudes or beliefs about information that we feel are characteristic of a person that is working to become information literate. These are reflective of a critical mindset that students strive to attain in order to make sense of the world around them.

  • Exhibit mental flexibility and creativity and persist in the face of search challenges
  • Maintain an open mind and critical stance throughout the information process
  • Manage search processes and results effectively 
  • Develop awareness of the importance of assessing content with a skeptical stance and with a self-awareness of their own biases and worldview
  • Develop, in their own creation processes, an understanding that their choices impact the purposes for which the information product will be used and the message it conveys

How our learning outcomes align with Kenyon's Curriculum

The Information Literacy Learning Outcomes are in alignment with Kenyon Curricular Policy Committee Goals and align heavily in the following sections of Kenyon's accrediting board, the Higher Learning Commission: Criterion 2. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct; Criterion 3. Teaching and Learning: Quality Resources and Support; Criterion 4. Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement.