If known items are not available to borrow from Consort or OhioLINK, your next step would be to help the patron fill out an Interlibrary Loan request.
Password tracking.
Journal articles may also be requested via ILL, but N.B., some bound journal volumes can be requested from OhioLINK. Check there first.
We use Footprints to keep track of the number and kind of reference questions we answer. So, after you finish with each patron, you will create a Footprints ticket for that interaction.
Advanced > 5+ minutes
Basic < 5 minutes
Computer (printer, word, excel, etc)
Government Documents
Location facilty (bathroom, offices, etc)
Location materials (call numbers, folio, etc)
Referral (circulation, helpline, etc)
E Resources Trouble (broken link, full text problems)
Basic versus Advanced (when to say U.N.C.L.E.)
We all ask for help. If you get a stumper during weekday hours, CALL one of the reference librarians. We reference librarians call one another all the time. It's another strategy in our toolbox.
Try to use 5 - 10 minutes as a good rule of thumb. If your searching isn't productive at that point, it's time to send out an SOS.
Government documents present unique challenges. You will probably want to forward these questions to a librarian.
If your stumper comes after dark (9 pm :) ), use web form to notify the appropriate librarian what you have done so far and give the patron that librarian's contact information as well.
If you encounter technical difficulties (broken links, a database that does not work, unretrievable full text, etc.), use Footprints to notify Chris Hudson; include as many details about the problem as possible.