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Gather a list of useful words or terms from your assigned topic to begin your research in the CONSORT/OhioLINK web catalog and online journal indexes. Books owned by other CONSORT libraries may be requested and will be sent here in 5-7 working days. If you cannot locate materials on your subject or all of the CONSORT copies are checked out, you should search the OhioLINK online card catalog for additional materials. Books, and some bound volumes of journals, may be requested from the OhioLINK catalog using your barcode on the back of your student ID.
Interlibrary Loan requests, for journal articles or books not in Consort or Ohiolink, may be filled out using our online form, if you need assistance filling out the form based on a citation you found or have a question about a journal abbreviation, etc. just stop by the information desk for assistance. Everyone has to create an ILIAD account to submit an Interlibrary Loan requests. Select a password which is easy to remember, but not the same as your network or email account.
More newspaper databases in Primary Sources libguide.