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Copyright Resources: Home


Welcome the Copyright LibGuide! The information contained in this site is based on many sources which are linked throughout.  However, a sizable portion is based on material from the Foundations in Copyright Management and Leadership course from the Center for Intellectual Property.

Some major sources used in writing this guide are:

Bonner, Kimberly M. and the Staff of the Center for Intellectual Propety, eds. The Center for Intellectual Property Handbook. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Print.

United States Copyright Office. "Copyright Law of the United States".

Information...not Advice

The information on this site should NOT be considered legal advice.  The author is a librarian, not a lawyer, and this LibGuide is intended as just that: a guide.  If you are unsure of whether or not something is legal, please talk to an attorney.

Help! I Need Somebody...

If you are concerned about an issue related to course content on Moodle or ERes at Kenyon, please contact one of the reference librarians.  We have resources to help you determine if your use is fair or if we need to get permission.

Read more information and submit a form request here on the Course Readings Page


Our Principles

In Library and Information Services at Kenyon College, we guide our decisions regarding copyright using two major principles:

  1. We will respect the intellectual property of others, and therefore the rights afforded to the author through copyright.
  2. We will utilize and defend the exceptions carved out in copyright law, particularly fair use.

Additional information regarding the use of intellectual property via Kenyon's computers and network can be found in the Library and Computer Use Policy.

How this Guide is Organized

The tabs across the stop of this page indicate areas relevant to copyright that we want to cover in this guide:

  • The Basics - the basic concepts and principles we must understand to understand copyright.
  • Create - What are the issues associated with creating our own content?  How can we safely use the works of others in our own work?
  • Share - Can I legally share copies of a reading with my students? 
  • Download - When and where is it safe to download copyrighted content? How can I tell?
  • Legal Background - Information and links to laws, landmark course cases and analysis.
  • For More Information - lots and lots of resources.
Each page also contains a "Tools" box.  This box contains links to helpful resources for the issue at hand.


This LibGuide is a work in progress.  Have suggestions?  See something you don't understand?  Please contact LBIS.

Director of Instruction & Engagement

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Sarah McKee
Chalmers Library 113