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Original, comprehensive reporting and analysis written by journalists on issues in the news. Includes pro/con debates and current "hot topics"
K·Search is the library's broadest search tool and is a great place to start looking for scholarly literature. If you're looking for a single search that includes article databases like Academic Search Complete and JSTOR as well as books in the library's collection, then this is it.
Use the options on the left-hand side of the results page to limit or filter your results if, for example, you only want scholarly journal articles or if you need articles from the last 5 years. Clicking on the Quick Look button or Title for one of your search results will give you more information, like an access link if it's available online or a call number if it's in the library.
In addition to K·Search, there are other available library tools which can help you discover and access resources for your research. These include: