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ARBC 341 : Arabic-Speaking World through Literature and Film: Home

MLA Citation Style

Romanization / Transliteration


Final Project:  Students will integrate the resources, skills, and knowledge acquired in the first half of the term to determine an appropriate topic for their final presentation and paper.  The topic must be approved by the instructor.  The final paper should be no less than 10 pages (1.5 spaced);

In the event of to closely-related paper topics, the students may work as a team in their final project presentation, but each must turn in their own original work; any target language resources must be provided.  Students will be graded on three aspects to this project: 1) the quality and depth of their research; 2) their presentation of their research to the class; 3) the final written product.  No late papers will be accepted.  The final paper will be due the during exam week via email.


Subject Guide

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Shannon Simpson
Chalmers Library 114